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Tiger Lily Road            3 MINUTES            Underground

TLR title: 210129.png

written & directed by Michael Medeiros

TIGER LILY ROAD stars Emmy winner, Tom Pelphrey, Emmy winner, Kevin Kane, Ilvi Dulack and Karen Chamberlain. It ran at NYC's Quad Cinema, played a multitude of festivals, winning the Audience Award for Best Feature Comedy at Woods Hole, Best Screenplay at Cincinnati and  was the Opening Night Film at Orlando. International sales agent, The Little Film Company. PRESS:   “Dulack and Chamberlain have a juicy simmering rapport...”  --VILLAGE VOICE    

“...a new battle in the war between the sexes...humor of a Coen Brothers film...”    -- NY TIMES

Anchor TLR


"A fascinating thriller whose real momentum lies in its comic and resonant rendering of gender conflicts - perfectly woven into a plot of entangled love and estrangement. Remarkably acted and directed...a winner." --
  --actor/director Peter Weller

Anchor 3M

a film about guns. Based on too many true stories... written & directed by Michael Medeiros



Anchor UG
written & directed by MichaelMedeiros

Shot entirely in subway stations and trains, Underground stars, Victor Slezak, Marion McCorry, Patricia Triana, Ben Medeiros and Neville Aurelius. It played festivals in New York, Sedona, New Jersey, Strasbourg, Paris, the UK and was distributed by MiniMovieChannel.


Anchor Vid


Tiger Lily Road stars, Ilvi Dulack, Tom Pelphrey and Karen Chamberlain talk about making the film.

VIDEO REVIEW:  WSJ's Frank Cipolla gives an exuberant review of TIGER LILY ROAD at Soho International Film Festival

One of my favorite ways to work -- creating a scene on set from just a few lines of description.

directing: Emergency room

directing: Emergency room

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TWO MINUTE PROMO for boxing trainer/coach, Kareem Blue who in his other life is a stand-up comedian.


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